Saturday, July 16, 2011

Obama Weekly Address: Shared Sacrifice, Blah, Blah...

The words have changed but the game's the same.

Class warfare tax the rich baloney. See Gateway Pundit: "Obama Weekly Address: Tax the Rich."

RELATED: At The Hill, "GOP leaders ignore Obama’s 36-hour deadline for a debt plan" (via Memeorandum).


  1. So why doesn't "shared sacrifice" include the 50% of Americans who not only don't pay any taxes but actually get money from the federal government? It's just more class warfare crap from this socialist panderer. And of course on his 2010 tax return he took every possible deduction to avoid every $ of tax that he possibly could! Typical liberal hypocrisy.

  2. Same reason that it does not include white house staff members who recently got a 16 percent pay increase.

    Seriously though... Two Words:

    Core Constituency!

