Monday, July 18, 2011

Progressive Trolls? Update on W. James Casper, Commissar of State Security, People's Commissariat for Internet Affairs

The Lonely Conservative responds to John Hawkins and American Power: "The Death of Independent Conservative Blogs?"

Last night I mentioned how my comment threads have been destroyed by progressives, and she writes:
I know what he means about the progressive trolls. Sigh.
Yeah. Sigh.

That reminds me of W. James Casper.

I continue to have private communications with readers who indicate they've never seen someone as evil as this. He's a communist storm trooper, and ultimately I see no difference between W. James Casper's hardline program and the totalitarian terrorism of the insurgents at this video.

He's a bad man:


  1. All I can say is you must be doing something right. Otherwise the troll would go elsewhere.

  2. I deal with these people all the time, to expose them. They don't like it so they go after you. They're losers.
