Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Rebekah Brooks Testimony Before Commons Select Committee

A few reports:

* At Telegraph UK, "I was 'disgusted' by Milly Dowler phone hacking."

* At The Guardian, "Rebekah Brooks: phone-hacking payments were not my responsibility."

* At New York Times, "Murdochs Caught a Break at Hearing, Stock Analysts Say."
After days of intense anxiety over their appearance before a parliamentary committee on Tuesday, there seemed to be consensus inside the company and out that the Murdochs and the News Corporation had finally caught a break.

Instead of finding a signal that this was the beginning of the end of Rupert Murdoch’s run at the helm of his company, analysts stressed that there was no single revelatory moment during the proceedings. If the Murdochs seemed at times distant, even oblivious, to what was going on in their own company, there were no obvious admissions of wrongdoing or glaring contradictions in their testimony, analysts said.

“This was the best day these guys have had in a really long time,” said David Bank, media analyst for RBC Capital Markets. “No shoe dropped, no smoking gun was found, it all sort of sounded kind of contained.”

RELATED: At Wall Street Journal, "Brooks's Husband's Laptop Found in Garbage":

1 comment:

  1. Sorry libs, you won't be getting that Fox News implosion you've been licking your chops over

    Oh noes, you wasted a perfectly good crisis
