Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Rupert Murdoch Tuesday Testimony Before British Parliament

A big report at Wall Street Journal, "Showdown Time Comes for Murdoch: Reputations at Stake as News Corp. CEO Testifies Before U.K. Panel on Tabloid-Hacking Scandal."

Tuesday's scheduled appearance by Rupert Murdoch before a panel of U.K. lawmakers was prompted by a phone-hacking scandal dogging News Corp. But it is the culmination of a 40-year love-hate power struggle between the News Corp. chief and Britain's public and politicians.

At stake is both the reputation of a global empire—which has 51,000 employees and annual revenue of $32 billion—and the level of support that the Murdoch family, particularly Rupert and his son James, will have among investors.
RELATED: At Telegraph UK, "Sean Hoare, the News of the World whistleblower, found dead."

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