Sunday, July 17, 2011

Syria Crackdown Widens

At San Francisco Chronicle, "Syrian Troops Expand Crackdown on Protest While 30 Die in Fight." Also at Jerusalem Post, "Syrians clamp down on restive eastern area."

And see Los Angeles Times, "Syria security forces attack protesters across the country" (on Friday's developments).

The top video was just posted at a Syrian YouTube page, while the bottom two, which show skirmishes, were posted earlier:

Check Haaretz as well, "Syrian troops arrest dozens in town near Lebanon border."

And at Christian Science Monitor, "Syria opposition unity bid thwarted by Assad regime's brutal crackdown."

1 comment:

  1. So, clearly, Assad is casting his lot as a Tehranian proxy. Too bad Barry shot his 'Arab Spring' wod in the meaningless backwater of Libya - after handing Cairo over to Tehran, that is.

    "Because the Only Good Progressive is a Failed Progressive"
