Thursday, July 21, 2011

Ten Ways Progressive Policies Harm Society's Moral Character

From Dennis Prager, at FrontPage Magazine:
The leftist weltanschauung sees society’s and the world’s great battle as between rich and poor rather than between good and evil. Equality therefore trumps morality. This is what produces the morally confused liberal elites that can venerate a Cuban tyranny with its egalitarian society over a free and decent America that has greater inequality.

None of this matters to progressives. Against all this destructiveness, they will respond not with arguments to refute these consequences of the liberal welfare state, but by citing the terms “social justice” and “compassion,” and by labeling their opponents “selfish” and worse.
Yes, worse. Much worse.

I'll have more on this later. But progressivism is ideological destructiveness personified. And while there may be individual progressives who "are fine people," as Prager suggests, in my experience they're one in a million. Progressives are selfish immoralists who'll take your money while calling you racist, sexist, an exploiter, etc. They're losers. The trick is to never back down, even when they open up with all they've got. They'll still lose, because deception and thuggery can't be sustained over goodness of moral clarity. That's why I'm not progressive. These people are ASFL and they suck, a bunch of idiots slapping high fives and visualizing raping conservative women. The reckoning's coming. I'm loving it!

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