Saturday, August 13, 2011

African Indigents with Massive Erect Cocks?

Hey, that's not me, sheesh!

It's freak Irish commie Henry Farrell, at Crooked Timber, '“The Duty of Journalists is to Tell The Truth”.'

Henry "erect cocks" is alleging that the Irish Independent's Kevin Myers is --- wait for it! --- racist. See, "Feral rioters all have one thing in common -- a lack of father figures." (It's a good piece, but no talking honestly with the left's "elite" opinion police.)

Anyway, I left a comment for Henry "erect cocks," which is probably not likely to make it out of the moderation queue, naturally:
Oh, bugger off, Henry. You’ll change your commie leftist beliefs about as fast as Michael Moore trims down to a slim 180 pounds American.

And “African indigents with massive erect cocks”?

Quite a racist flourish there yourself. Sure would look great in the pages of, say, Foreign Affairs, eh?
RELATED: Melanie Phillips has some updates, thank goodness.

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