Friday, August 12, 2011

'Both Gingrich and Paul have a nasty demeanor of a sort that, I think, will never make it to the White House...'

That's Althouse on the performance last night of New Gingrich and Ron Paul. And that's funny, because it's those two who I chose to blog on as well. (I've met Gingrich personally, and I've mentioned before, he's a terrible people-person. Ron Paul? I've never met him. But, well, he's just crackpot all around.)

See, "The Iowa Debate."

Previously, "Ron Paul at GOP Debate: 'There Was No Al Qaeda in Iraq'," and "Newt Gingrich at GOP Debate: 'Put Aside the Gotcha Questions'."


  1. Paul is a crackpot. Perry/Bachmann is the only team to beat Barry in my opinion, for what little its worth.

  2. I met Gingrich briefly back in college shortly before the '96 election. He stepped on my foot as he shook my hand without seeming to notice.

    I do not like him.
