Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Britain Descends to Hell

I'll tell you this: If it's coming to America, I will never be forced to strip down to my underwear upon threats from possessed underclass ruffians. I will fight these people to the death. When society has lost its collective mind, and when authorities are helpless to do the thing that they are established to do --- keep order and decency --- then you have to protect yourself and your family. I will not have my wife and children stripped and humiliated and robbed of their clothing on the freakin' streets. And I would help anyone facing such raw brutality if I see it happening to them in person. It can happen here. See London's Daily Mail, "Forced to strip naked in the street: Shocking scenes as rioters steal clothes and rifle through bags as people make their way home." I'll have more on this. The British government clearly isn't up to the task of defending against lawlessness, and things aren't nearly as bad as they could be. God help us:


  1. The only reason these things happen in the UK is because of a disarmed populace. Here in Texas this would last about one hour.

  2. I'm with you "Bartender Cabbie." Ever notice that this kind of action takes place only where governments deny the people a right to protect themselves?
    I have great respect for the police, but they are almost useless before the crime happens and are governed by rules that keep them from acting. The last thing I want to see is some cop saying, "Aint it awful about........."
    When I lived in the Philippines I paid for a guard service and of course I got robbed about 6 months before I was due to come back to the US. As one Philippino put it, If you think I am going to die protecting your furniture you are kidding yourself."
    Like others I have stocked more ammunition for just such occasions and I live in a state with concealed carry.

  3. Cabbie, my friends, Glock and Remington, agree.

  4. Well said, Don. This is beyond horrifying!

  5. PS: I linked you in my post about this.

  6. Urgh, tell me about it. I live in London and had to be evacuated from the office today due to riots. Actually wrote a short blog post on the situation today. The police have started using harder tactics which is good but it is sad that looting began in the first place.

  7. The first tenet of socialism is a compliant populace -- willing to put the needs of the "collective" in place of their own. When you take away the individual's ability to protect themselves and their property by force, you make them pliable and vulnerable. The events in London is a perfect example of why every home should be protected by a homeowner with a firearm they are trained (and willing) to use. If you weren't convinced previously that self-protection is necessary, just look across the Pond!

  8. Thanks for commenting everybody, and especially Mike in Britain.

    I'm a lover of Britain and this pisses me off to know end.

  9. Aside from their special forces type drug cops, British cops are basically unarmed, and I saw them say they were thinking about "rubber bullets" are you fricken kidding me? HOT LEAD is what will put those sons of bitches down and stop them. The authorities are so afraid of "offending" blacks and muslims that they won't even TRY to defend their own people, even as they get beaten and stripped naked in the street. The English have surpassed the French in the department of rolling over and surrendering. Churchill must be spinning in his grave, as are all of the brave AMERICAN (and Canadians and even English) who fought and died to save that wretched place from the nazis in WWII, look what they did with that gift, they pissed on it and threw it away for multi-kulti eurodhimmie subservience and cradle to grave free rides for those who refuse to work or contribute to society in any meaningful way.
    1389 has a MUST READ "Open Letter to England" written before the riots started that illustrates the above point.
    If we continue to let the left run roughshod over us here, this will be our future too.
    Here is great post at HillBuzz about 3what the media refuses to say regarding these riots:

  10. Awesome idea: fill the blacks and Muslims with hot lead to defend your own kind. Don, you certainly attract quality minds.

    In anticipation of similarly fashion-centric looting over here I've preemptively gotten butt-ass naked to beat those dirty rioters to the punch. Cocked and loaded, baby. They can have my chinos when they pry them from my cold dead hand!

    By the way, how does one "know end"? This place is great...

  11. Typo, JBW.

    You got me dude. Killer comment too. Don't change!

  12. Wow, mischaracterize much, JBW? Was that an intentional misrepresentation of Zilla/MJ's comment, or are you stupid?

    Or both?

  13. From the pictures I have seen a lot of the mob was white as well. It would appear that considering only Blacks and Muslim are the rioters might be a tad racist.
