Wednesday, August 3, 2011

'I Love Rich People'

From Katie Kieffer, at Townhall, "Why I Hope the Rich Get Richer":
We hurt ourselves by envying, over-taxing and slandering the rich. Anti-wealth public policies will only persuade independently wealthy Americans to shut down their businesses, stop hiring and retire early to their hammocks in the tropics. On the other hand, if we “love” the rich, we will receive the love back in the form of ample jobs, loans, innovations and investments.
Come to think of it, I'm amazed at how infrequently we hear this argument. A great essay. (Via Linkiest.)


  1. I love rich people too. As the old saying goes, "I aint never been hired by a poor person."

    Mike G.

  2. Many years ago I was told that Communism would never succeed in America for we did not want to destroy those of us who are rich, because we all want to become rich.

    Apparently, this was wrong, many of us just want to sit home and collect the government check.

  3. 'Apparently, this was wrong, many of us just want to sit home and collect the government check.'

    Amazing how many folks that includes, and very little stigma to it.

    And I especially dislike the 'hate the rich' ideology. It's so stupid.

  4. After one takes all of the money the "rich" have what are we going to do then? Extremely short sighted people who envy those with the wherewithal to make things happen.
