Friday, August 5, 2011

'Money Doesn't Move Around in Ways That Are Unfair'

I watched Rachel Maddow last night (I know, a glutton for punishment). Maddow interviewed Ezra Klein on the economy, of all people. You'd think she'd get an economist, or something. I just rolled my eyes in any case, not just for poor Ezra's inexperience, but for Maddow's leading questions. She was trying to get Ezra to say that the crisis was essentially European, not American. She went on about how it wasn't a problem specific to the U.S. Markets are global, of course, and unhappiness with the debt deal and fears of a recession triggered a sell-off. Ezra didn't go for the bait, in any case. It was totally uninformative, and here he is on "Morning Joe" getting beat up by Rick Santelli, the tea party guy. Santelli schools the poor boy on the realities of markets. Folks are picking up on Ezra's whining about how if there's another recession, "it's going to be painful and it is going to move money around in ways that are unfair..." Typical progressivism, and Santelli lets him have it:

Via Hot Air, NewsBusters, and Verum Serum.

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