Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Obama to Announce Jobs Plan in Major Speech After Labor Day

It's a sign of deep desperation on the left when a combination of really last ditch political efforts come together simultaneously to set off screaming alarms bells. Top officials from President Obama's campaign vehicle, Organizing for America, are attacking the progressive blogosphere as a bunch of "firebaggers." In turn, there's all kinds of confusion on the "professional left" about this, and Jane Hamsher's backing off from taking one for the team. Then there's this story at today's front-page New York Times, "On Economy, Raw Data Gets a Grain of Salt." Read that all the way through. Hey, when things aren't going your way, attack the bureaucracy and the "flawed" government data, which of course JUST CAN'T make the boss look bad!! That said, "you can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you cannot fool all of the people all the time." For example, at Gallup, "New Low of 26% Approve of Obama on the Economy." And so, for the formerly competent economic manager (cf. 2008 campaign during the Wall Street crash), what to do but fire up the teleprompter! TOTUS to the rescue. At New York Times, "Obama Plans Jobs Speech After Labor Day."

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