Thursday, August 25, 2011

Progressives Go Nazi on Katy Perry After She Tweeted 'Pray for Israel' in Support of Jewish State

At Hot Air, "Twitterverse couldn’t take it when Katy Perry tweeted, “Pray for Israel”." And at The Blaze, "POP STAR KATY PERRY ATTACKED AFTER TWEETING AN APPEAL FOR HER FOLLOWERS TO ‘PRAY FOR ISRAEL’."

And see especially Michelle, "What happened when Katy Perry tweeted “Pray for Israel”."

Progressive Hate

Progressivism is an ideology of hate and death. Same satanism, different day.

1 comment:

  1. And you know those people are "progressives" how again?

    See I know you're not very smart but real life is a wee bit more complicated than the cartoons playing in your wee brain.
