Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Kathia Maria Davis, Laguna Niguel Hockey Mom, Accused of Sex With Son's Teammates

Some of the boys were as young as fourteen. The investigation arose initially out of suspicion that Ms. Davis threw parties serving alcohol for the boys. One of the victims told his mom, who, strangely, contacted the woman's ex-husband. Seems to me you'd go straight to the police. Either way, this is sickening.

At Los Angeles Times, "Hockey mom accused of having sex with son's underage teammates."

1 comment:

  1. I think this is and has been far more prevalent than we would like to believe as a society. Women have been preying on boys almost since the beginning of time. The difference is that they have for ages gotten away with it or got a slap on the hand.
    There is some how a belief that young boys are not harmed. Feminists are always saying how much affect women have on young children, but desire not to take responsibility for the men they love to hate. Some how after being around their mothers, 12 years of female dominated education men forget everything those women taught them and become oppressors. Something is as they say "Rotten in Denmark." It happens in schools and every walk of life.
    I guess we should be happy she was not having sex with her son????????????
