Thursday, September 1, 2011

Obama's Really Bad Day in Public Opinion Polling

Checking over at Memeorandum this morning, I noticed at least three new public opinion surveys that show President Obama continuing down the road to ignominious defeat in November 2012. This warms me to no end, as you can imagine.

At Quinnipiac University, for example, "Obama Approval Hits All-Time Low, Quinnipiac University National Poll Finds; Economy Is Getting Worse, More Voters Say." And at CNN, "New CNN Poll: 65% give Obama thumbs down on economy." And then of course, Rasmussen had this, "Perry 44% Obama 41%; President Leads Other GOP Hopefuls."

Actually, Quinnipiac has Romney leading Obama in a head-to-head, so I doubt there's a bright side for the president. Whoever wins the GOP nomination will harness a hurricane-force of opposition to this disastrous administration. It's only four more months to the Iowa caucuses. I expect Rick Perry to peak anytime now (but would remain a top contender). Michele Bachmann will keep chugging along and could very well take Iowa by continuing her aggressive retail stump-style in the Hawkeye State. Mitt Romney can't blow off Iowa at this point. Things are tightening up and he's no longer the "inevitable" nominee, if he ever was. I actually like Romney best over Obama in the general election, although I'm hoping for Bachmann to become the nominee (as she best represents my politics). Unlike most people, I personally think she'll destroy Obama in the general. She'll bring "hope and change" to America with a vengeance. She's performed well in debates so far and the media attacks on her have backfired by creating a sympathy effect for the Minnesota congresswoman. Of course, she's not the "anointed one," which is generally how Republicans elect their nominees, and I think she'd be better off with executive experience. But economic crisis continues to grip the nation, and each day leaves me more convinced that the Democrats are toast.

More on this forthcoming.

Added: Scared Monkeys links: "Rasmussen Poll Has TX Gov. Rick Perry Ahead of President Barack Obama 44% – 41%."

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