Saturday, September 17, 2011

Sarah Jessica Parker's Secret for Successful Marriage: Hating Husband Matthew Broderick for 20 Minutes a Day

At London's Daily Mail, "Why I allow myself 20 minutes a day to hate my husband, by Sarah Jessica Parker":

So now we know how she does it.

Sarah Jessica Parker has discussed the unconventional secret behind the success of her 14 year relationship.

The 46-year-old star admitted that she coped with married life by allowing herself 20 minutes a [day] to 'hate' her husband Matthew Broderick.

The actress was chatting [to] Ryan Seacrest on his KISS FM breakfast show when he quizzed her about comments she made earlier this month about allowing herself moments of rage.

The I Don't Know How She Does It Star replied: 'I think that's healthy and I think it's realistic.'

'Some people have it down to 20 minutes a week. Other unfortunate people have it down to 20 minutes per hour.'
I don't ever "hate" my wife. And it's rare that I even allow myself to be angry with her. When we've had marital difficulties I felt both sad and somewhat resigned, but usually not angry. When I get angry I want to strike out, and that's not a healthy emotion for me, so I avoid it. And my wife and I are committed to our marriage through "better or worse," so separation has never really been an option for us. It would take something extreme, like a death of one of our children and a subsequent emotional and psychological implosion, to really sink our partnership. We live for family. (And of course there's never been questions of infidelity, which I imagine would be a deal-breaker, but cheating isn't part of our experience or even a considered possibility.) I think you have to take a deep breath every day and thank God for having someone who loves you (with all your faults), and who's there for you in "sickness and in health." Besides, I just don't think 20 minutes of hating your spouse is all that healthy, but it's Sarah Jessica Parker's marriage not mine.


  1. I agree with your take on this Douglas.

    Being 'hate' is extremely unhealthy to begin with for even a single person, why would one want to bring that into a marriage is beyond me?

    Actually, if my Wife or myself or really any married couple practiced this behavior they should separate immediately as this is detrimental to all in contact.

    Willful hate is the devils work and he has found a playground in Parker.

  2. The problem with hate is that it only grows more visceral and will eventually explode out of all proportion. I wondered why I did not like this woman as an actress, but this explains it. You know when you get a certain feeling about someone and you are thinking 'I wonder why?" One can deceive themselves, but much of what you think and are is exhibited by your persona.
    Obama is a perfect example. Large numbers of us saw right through the image of the "One." It is a little sad that we have to try not shouting to the rooftops "I TOLD YOU SO" to not gloat. It was there for everyone to see no matter how much the MSM papered over it.
