Saturday, September 17, 2011

Tareq Salahi Files for Divorce From Wife Michaele

Not only are the Salahis getting divorced, but Tareq's banned from Journey concerts. Man, talk about insult to injury. That's harsh: "TAREQ SALAHI - BANNED from Journey Concerts."

I blogged the party crashing story in 2009, and was picked up at WND, "White House 'gatecrashers' tied to terror sympathizer."

1 comment:

  1. Are these people looking for another way to get attention or what, and taking advantage of a musician who has a sleazy rep?

    I remember running into Neal Schon at a bar in Marin County around 1998. He was having drinks, high fiveing some of us and telling us how he'd just fired Steve Perry and was divorcing his wife. The next night, some friends who had a band were playing at another club down the street and Neal was there wasted with two women who he was practically giving mouth-to-mouth resuscitation to.
