Monday, October 17, 2011

'Hot Chicks of Occupy Wall Street'

Well, you learn something new everyday.

See the Tumblr, "Hot Chicks of Occupy Wall Street" (via Verum Serum).


  1. You're the MAN Dr. Douglas. The only positive thing that came out of protests like this as I remember in 1967, will be the only thing coming out of this group of overprivileged mostly youthful bored youth- cute chicks- best use of time: looking for the best chicks, avoiding panhandlers, and listening to the lame attempts at explaining just what it is they want: other people's money.

  2. Like everything connected to OccupyWallStreet, these leftists want to be graded on a steep curve.

    Basically, the Marxoids want us to redistribute some pretty-gal points from actual attractive chicks and just give them to these marginally cute ladies.
