Sunday, October 9, 2011

New World Festival of Eco-Friendly Science and Technology Shuts Down After Lackluster Attendance

This is over in Santa Monica.

At LAT, "Eco-friendly festival can't sustain itself."
It was the first New World Festival of Eco-Friendly Science and Technology and quite possibly the last.

The event near the beach in Santa Monica, which had been scheduled to run through Sunday, was shut down abruptly Saturday afternoon.

Its website had promised robots, a petting zoo, six stages of live music and more than 150 exhibits. But the gathering on Saturday looked more like a medium-sized, eco-friendly farmers market.

Howard Mauskopf, the festival's organizer, said he needed to shut down because so few people had shown up. "We're in a position where we don't have the financial ability to continue," he said, adding that he would have needed eight to 10 times the crowd that was present to make ends meet. He said he is going to try to reimburse food vendors next week.

"I don't know why people didn't come," he said.
Well, here's a clue: Even in far left-wing Santa Monica folks care more about finding a damned job than a bunch of bullshit eco-friendly enviro-crap.

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