Saturday, October 15, 2011

Prosecutors Want Death Penalty Against Shooting Suspect Scott Dekraai

At LAT, "Prosecutors seek death penalty in salon shooting case."

And see the background report, "Seal Beach shooting suspect was a haunted man."

1 comment:

  1. I wanted to comment on your top post about the demonic attacks by the lefties against you.

    Liars really are of the devil! These "people" have NO SHAME and don't care about anyone. They LOVE to destroy a person, at work, and get them fired, or worse yet, arrested, or whatever they can do.
    They are vile, evil and there's a special crappy circle in hell reserved for them.

    I will pray for you that you prevail. These creeps who lie about you are just pawns of satan. The bible says that we fight not against people, but against principalities and such. The devil is scared of you, because you speak the truth. I hope everything turns out alright for you Don.
