Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Rick Santorum Slams 'SNL' Debate Parody as 'Bullying'

Well, GOP candidates are gonna get this stuff from the "tolerant" progressive-entertainment types. And I'll bet SNL's writers couldn't wait to smear Santorum as some closeted-gay conservative hypocrite cruising the Castro.

At The Hill, "Santorum calls SNL sketch 'bullying'."

I gotta admit, though. Bachmann taking down Newt was pretty good.

1 comment:

  1. Santorum never called the sketch "bullying." That's a fabrication on the part of the appropriately named author, Justin Stink.

    I'm no fan of Santorum, but I see no reason to put words in his mouth. He said he never saw the sketch (believable, seeing as SNL hasn't been funny in years) and he didn't comment on it. He did say that the left resorts to bullying more often than the right, but he did not say that the sketch amounted to bullying. That statement exists soley in the mind of the author, and now in the minds of his misinformed readers. Doesn't "The Hill" have any journalistic standards?
