Saturday, October 15, 2011

The State of Black America (at Al Sharpton's March on Washington for Jobs and Justice)

The man yelling "house nigger" is pretty offensive, but the folks chanting "Obama! Obama! Obama!" are way creepy as well.

From Marooned in Marin, "Al Shaprton & Unions' Rally For Obama's "Jobs" Bill Masquerades As MLK Memorial." (Via Gateway Pundit and Memeorandum.)

RELATED: At WaPo, "Al Sharpton leads rally for jobs, justice," and "Sharpton, others rally for jobs and justice in march to MLK Memorial."

1 comment:

  1. Well, I don't know if the man in your video has the same analysis ... but we certainly have the same conclusion. If it's to be Cain v. Obama, it should be obvious to the most casual observer who left the Democrat plantation.

    "Because the Only Good Progressive is a Failed Progressive"
