Sunday, October 9, 2011

Texas Fred Attacks Mitt Romney's Faith

Well, it's been a while, but old Texas "Wifebeater" Fred is making news again, joining in with the bigoted anti-Mormon attacks on Mitt Romney.

See: "Pastor says Romney is not a Christian:
I am NOT a Biblical scholar, I have serious issues with *organized* religion, and I hate to go off on a tangent about religion, anyones religion, but I have to agree with Jeffress on this one, at least to a certain degree. I don’t know that Mormonism is a *cult*, but I do not view it as a Christian religion either.

Well, you coulda fooled me, for example, at The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints homepage, "Jesus Christ Is the Way":
If we believe in Jesus Christ, follow His teachings, and repent when we commit sins, His Atonement, or sacrifice, can wash us clean of our sins and make us worthy to return to God’s presence. Christ’s sacrifice and Resurrection also allow us to overcome physical death. Every one of us will be resurrected just like Christ was and live forever in perfected bodies after we leave this life.
Sounds pretty Christian-like to me. Of course, unlike Texas Fred, I don't hate "gooks," "negros," and "wetbacks" either.

Freakin' Texas Fred's the biggest loser and asshat this side of W. James "Costanza" Casper, and that's saying a lot!

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