Tuesday, October 18, 2011

'There is overwhelming evidence that the University of Wisconsin in engaging in racial and ethnic discrimination, and it should stop'

Says Roger Clegg from the Center for Equal Opportunity, speaking yesterday at the University of Wisconsin. State Assemblyman Mark Pocan, a Democrat, attacked Clegg pretty agressively, according to Althouse:

Whether the University complies with the standard laid down in the Supreme Court case law is, of course, crucial, but the state legislature has the power to impose a stricter standard on the University (if it thinks that's a good idea). In addition, it's possible that the CEO plans to use this case to get affirmative action back into the Supreme Court with the hope of changing the legal doctrine.
RTWT for the context.


  1. The funny part was when a Wisconsin democrat complain about outside agitators. What else can someone say about the quality of Democrats in Wisconsin that they cannot even recognize the irony in that comment.
    I vote we send them to California. They would fit better with Governor Moonbeam.

  2. The funny part was when a Wisconsin democrat complain about outside agitators. What else can someone say about the quality of Democrats in Wisconsin that they cannot even recognize the irony in that comment.
    I vote we send them to California. They would fit better with Governor Moonbeam.
