Sunday, October 16, 2011

Those Wanting to Silence Donald Douglas Are the Ugliest of Human Beings

I'm paraphrasing from Lonely Conservative, "Nasty Progressives Try to Get Conservative Blogger Fired":
Professor Douglas is a husband and father who has every right to speak his mind and still earn a living. Those wanting to silence him are the ugliest of human beings.


  1. That is pretty cool, good for you. I too hope that you are not silenced.

  2. I won't be Concerned Patriot. It's the hassle of dealing with these assholes that's a pain. Goes with the assignment, I guess.

  3. Donald, come see me at my place, your friends have your back! I just published it, check there often for updates, I anticipate a large show of support for you.

    Keep up the great work and know that you are never alone.
