Tuesday, October 4, 2011

VIDEO: Roseanne Barr Wants Guillotine for the Rich

At Hot Air, "Great new idea from the Hollywood Left: Behead the bankers."

PREVIOUSLY: "The American Revolution Was Not About Wealth Redistribution."

BONUS: Additional reading at Larwyn's Links.


  1. Crazy, fanatical, yeah probably, but some of us who support Roseanne Barr would rather follow her path than that of the corrupt politicians and corporate executives. While some of her followers would rather she accept a less-violent approach, imprisonment and psychiatric correction for example, we have to accept that she will make the ultimate decisions.

  2. What drivel DG and guess what you get to determine whose rich and if they deserve it. My how generous that you can say whether we live or not I vote that Roseanne show us the way by being first. Might want to revisit that crazy meme because it will be a cold day in HELL before anyone with a brain will allow ilk like you to determine how people live their lives and what they are allowed to do.

  3. That's a great gotcha Roseanne Barr just pulled on all of you.

    First of all, Ms. Barr has a net worth that far exceeds most bankers: $80 million and counting... which would put her near the head of the line for some head lopping. http://www.celebritynetworth.com/richest-celebrities/actors/roseanne-barr-net-worth/

    Secondly, Ms. Barr is a comedian and nothing she says can be taken too seriously. She has made her wealth being outrageous

    She is the female counterpart to that wealthy independent film maker... what's his name... Moore, yeah, Michael Moore. Both have been pulling that same ironic joke about killing all of the rich people. That's how they get all the poor slobs to spend money on their nonsense.

  4. from OfficialWire.com - Franken Cuts Lieberman Off On Healthcare,Al Franken, one of the U.S. Senate's newest members, forced veteran Sen. Joseph Lieberman to cut short his remarks on healthcare Thursday...
    Too bad when you're a comedian, you give up your rights to hold office.
