Saturday, November 12, 2011

Cities Around the Nation Confront Question of How to Deal with Occupy Protesters

The news summary at the beginning of this clip is especially good.

Protesters are planning to occupy the Rose Parade? Folks down in Pasadena won't take too kindly to that. And Portland Mayor Sam Adams sounds tentative in his crackdown on the protesters, and Jim Oliver, the representative of Occupy Portland started out by reading some communique, but he warms up and sounds pretty articulate toward the end of the video:

And at Christian Science Monitor, "Officials crack down on Occupy Wall Street camps around the country."

Plus, at Gateway Pundit, "Federal Judge Denies #Occupy St. Louis Permission to Continue Hobo Camp at Kiener Plaza" (via Memeorandum).

PREVIOUSLY: "Pressure Is Growing to Shut Down 'Occupy' Camps Across the Nation."


  1. With force, of course. Brutal, overwhelming, cry-for-your-mommy FORCE. Jeez, I thought these leftists that control every disintegrating city hall in America were tough on crime.

  2. I think someone had it right on another string. Start heckling & laughing at them.

  3. I think a commenter on another string had the right idea. Ridicule and laugh at them.

  4. We're halfway through November, and it's turning colder. Soon enough, the fleabaggers will head for mom and dad's for Thanksgiving dinner, and perhaps not all of them will return to their campsites.

    Then we'll approach Christmas: the thoughts of the holiday season, and a warm place to stay, will start to seem more and more desirable to living in an unheated tent in the middle of a New York City winter.

    But, there will probably be a few hardy souls who stick it out into the new year. I wonder what it will be like when the snow falls, then turns into slush, then freezes hard, as the winds whip through the canyons of lower Manhattan?
