Wednesday, November 16, 2011

The Future of Occupy Wall Street

At Wall Street Journal, "Wall Street Protesters Grapple With Future of Movement":

Occupy Wall Street activists grappled with the future of their movement after a police raid and a day of legal drama ended their hold on a Manhattan park that had become the symbolic center of the world-wide protest.

Police in a predawn sweep cleared out a tent city the protesters had erected in the downtown park, marking a dramatic turn in what has become a vexing saga for New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg. Later in the day, a judge backed up the mayor's move, ruling in favor of the park's owner, Brookfield Office Properties Inc., that it could enforce rules against camping in the park.

The forced evacuation came as other cities around the world have started to take similar steps, including Toronto, London and Oakland, Calif.

After protesters were evicted from Zuccotti Park early Tuesday morning it's not clear if the demonstrations will end or if they'll enter a new phase. WSJ's Hilke Schellmann reports from downtown Manhattan.

It wasn't clear whether the eviction in New York will end the protest or push it into a new phase that could be harder for police to control. As unruly as the encampment often was, it was easy for police to monitor since it was in a fixed site.
Continue reading.

Also, at New York Daily News, "Next up for Occupy Wall Street? Make sure movement is not hijacked by violence."

Also, from Ed Morrissey, "Does the Right own the Occupy narrative?"


  1. Well tomorrow they plan to attempt to shut down Wall Street, mob up the subways and prevent people across the country from using bridges to get to and from their jobs (the goonions are behind that last one), also, they have promised to malatov cocktail Macy's in Manhattan and "burn New York City to the f*cking ground".

  2. Even the Democrats are losing patience with the fleabaggers. (Shameless blog pimping there!)

    The Democrats thought that they could get some political mileage from the fleabaggers, but, in the end, the fleabaggers just weren't like them.. Regardless of what you think of their policies, the Democratic leaders are responsible, educated, hard-working and successful people, while the fleabaggers were do-nothings, getting dirtier by the day. It reached a point where the Democrats were more embarrassed by what the fleabaggers were than they saw use in their protests.
