Sunday, November 13, 2011

Mitt Romney: Iran Will Get Nuclear Weapons If Obama Wins

Dana Pico has a huge post on Mitt Romney's foreign policy, "Mitt Romney: Si vis pacem, para bellum."

Personally, that's the kind of unequivocal statement that could come back and bite you in the ass. Since sanctions and multilateral diplomacy haven't worked, you're basically edging toward not just military strikes, but regime change. That's big.

I'll come back to that.

There's more on Romney at the New York Times, "After a Romney Deal, Profits and Then Layoffs." It's a devious hit piece that might as well have originated in the White House press office, for example:
Mr. Romney’s career at Bain Capital, which he owned and ran as chief executive, is a cornerstone of his campaign for the Republican presidential nomination — a credential, he argues, that showcases the management skills and business acumen that America needs to revive a stalled economy. Creating jobs, Mr. Romney says, is exactly what he knows how to do.

The White House, though, is already preparing a less flattering portrayal, trying to frame Mr. Romney’s record at Bain as evidence that he would pursue slash and burn economics and that his business career thrived by enriching the elite at the expense of the working class.

From 1984 to 1999, Mr. Romney and his deputies made fortunes by investing in, acquiring and then selling about 150 companies. It was high-stakes work that shaped Mr. Romney’s values and views, taught him the art of salesmanship and negotiation and took him deep inside the boardrooms and factories of American business.

Because financial data for many of the acquisitions are not publicly available, it is difficult to fully tally the wins and losses, the jobs created and the jobs eliminated on Mr. Romney’s watch. But the experience with Dade, Bain’s biggest transaction at the time, shows how Bain managed its investments, structuring deals so it would be hard for Mr. Romney and his partners not to come out ahead.
In other words, we don't have extensive evidence for our attack on Romney. Just a few anecdotes from a single case. But that ought to be enough to exploit the rage against Wall Street and the corporate rich.

Get ready for the NYT/OFA campaign steamroller.


  1. Thanks for the link, for which I will admit to American Power readers, I fished for. :)

    Dr Douglas wrote, "It's a devious hit piece that might as well have originated in the White House press office." I'd suggest that the word "as" should be removed.

  2. "Might." "Might as well."

    I think we're on the same page, the bastards!
