Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Regime Change Libya Topples Herman Cain's Campaign

I guess Robert Stacy McCain's not getting that ambassadorship to Vanuatu after all.

William Jacobson provides the video, and lots of commentary at Memeorandum.

And see Allahpundit, "Brutal: Cain blanks on Libya, supports collective bargaining for public employee unions," and AoSHQ, "Cain Continues Being Very Authentic."

1 comment:

  1. The lumpen-proletarians commies and the actual Mohammedans toppled the Ghaddafi regime. With the assistance of N.A.T.O., against the premier arab-communist beacon of the mid-east. The action was justified on the premise that Ghaddafi used Jets fire-power..? Mr. Cain is inadequate because he doesn't understand nation-building and the western t.v. show..?
