Sunday, December 4, 2011

Conservatives Must Recapture American Universities

I was thinking about this when Pepperdine's Professor Gregory McNeal sent me the link to his essay on drone warfare. There are a lot of conservatives in American higher education, and not just professors. I've been reading my students' term papers and most of them are so full of common sense and reasonable analysis. I sometimes wonder how instead that college campuses have becomes such intellectually violent places, inhospitable to the robust exchange of ideas. I think conservatives on campus often aren't as mobilized as are partisans on the left, and of course given the radical left orientation of the unions, there's good incentive not to be.

In any case, take a look at the piece from Ed Driscoll, "Dropping the A-Bomb on History" (via Instapundit):
If conservatives ever want to recapture the high ground of culture, just creating an alternative news media is nowhere near sufficient. they have to — somehow — recapture academia, where culture is ultimately created. And destroyed as well.
RELATED: From Bruce Kessler, at Maggie's Farm, "Jews Confront The Gentlemen’s Agreement On Campuses."

1 comment:

  1. Our esteemed host wrote, "There are a lot of conservatives in American higher education, and not just professors. I've been reading my students' term papers and most of them are so full of common sense and reasonable analysis."

    I think there's an obvious question to be raised here. You are well known as a conservative; could it be that you are both attracting more conservative students to begin with, and more of your students might be tailoring their term papers in directions that they think you'd more probably approve?

    Perhaps you and one of your more liberal colleagues in the department might swap student term papers, especially papers of students taking both of your classes, and see if the ones writing more conservative papers for you are writing further left ones for another professor.
