Saturday, December 3, 2011

Herman Cain Suspends Presidential Campaign

I knew he was done after his first few words. It seemed like a wake not a rally.

See Midnight Blue, "There Can Be Only One – Cain Suspends his Presidential Campaign," and The Other McCain, "HERMAN CAIN ANNOUNCEMENT - UPDATE: SUSPENDING CAMPAIGN." And at Los Angeles Times, "Cain suspends campaign, vows to keep fighting."

The question now is how everything shakes out. National Journal has something on that, "Cain Reaches Out to Rivals," and The Hill, "Cain suspends campaign, vows to work from outside the race."


  1. The question now is how everything shakes out.

    I've GOT to link to this post just on the strength of that line alone.

  2. Well, we will see who the caucus taps as the presidential candidate.
