Wednesday, December 7, 2011

John Podhoretz's Devastating Takedown of Newt Gingrich

There's a growing number of articles by conservatives critical of Newt Gingrich (see, for example, Ramesh Ponnuru, "Heartbreak Awaits Republicans Who Love Gingrich").

But this one from Podhoretz at New York Post is just crushing, "Newt’s second act: He’ll make great target for O." Read it all at the link.


  1. It is truly amazing how many of my conservative friends have bought into the idea that the Newtered RINO is actually a conservative.

    He's a political weathervane - whichever way the wind blows.

    You could sew him and Mittens RINOmney together, and you still wouldn't have a whole conservative.

    -But you would have one really fat RINO.


  2. Prof,
    I ain't a Noot guy. Here's what bugs me:

    With due respect, lads like Dave and Podhoretz and Ramesh miss the point entirely. We could run Daffy Freakin' Duck, it matters not.

    This is a referendum on Oh Bummer.

    Let me repeat that:
    This is a referendum on Oh Bummer.
    A referendum on his policies, his politics, his "competence," the clowns surrounding him, national security, his Chicago Thug tactics, the depression, the race bating, his affairs with Kal Penn, Sohale Siddiqi, Larry Sinclair and Rahm...

    Oh Bummer is so vulnerable on so many bases as to almost be (sickeningly) laughable.

    In the mean time, the only man to have ever actually succeeded in shrinking the Federal budget is labelled a "Newtered RINO" and therefor unworthy??

    Has Podhoretz never had the cujones to offer a devastating take-down of Oh Bummer?

  3. iysp,

    With due respect, lads like Dave and Podhoretz and Ramesh miss the point entirely. We could run Daffy Freakin' Duck, it matters not.

    If this were the same eloectorate that threw Jihad Jimmy out on his ass 31 years ago, I would agree.

    But back then, only about 20% of the working population did not pay federal income taxes.

    Today, that number is bumping up against 50%.

    This is a very different America today.

    Never understimate the stoopidity of the average American voter.

