Thursday, December 22, 2011

Michelle 'Big Butt' Obama: Spending is 'Spiraling Out of Control'?

That's not very nice that Rep. Sensenbrenner slammed the First Lady for a fat posterior, but he's recanting now: "Sensenbrenner apologizes to first lady over "big butt" remark."

iOWNTHEWORLD had the initial report, "Rep. Sensenbrenner of Wisconsin Tells it Like it Is – Michelle’s Got a Fat Ass."

And London's Daily Mail has a dishy update on the Obamas vacation planning fiasco, "Is Michelle Obama's spending 'spiralling out of control'? First Lady 'insisted on $4m trip to Hawaii when her husband wanted local vacation'."


  1. Michelle has a butt roughly the size of Arkansas -- but it was impolite to point it out.

  2. Not supposed to say it though, Stogie! Wouldn't want to insult the First Lady for her fat ass!

  3. Hey Don, long time no laugh at. Well, that's not exactly true: I actually laugh at you and a lot of the things you post here rather frequently and I just haven't bothered to comment but seeing as how there's been a dearth of such lately I figured I'd say hi.

    So, making fun of someone else's wife's weight because you disagree with their politics, huh? Not that I'm surprised mind you (I know how committed you are to destroying the scourge of WEEEEIGHTISM! when it's your ass that's being referred to) but now I have a dillema of my own: do I reference your weight as a rejoinder or your wife's?

    Now pointing out how little of your own feet you can see without a mirror would be like shooting chubby fish in a tight barrel but since you've clearly indicated that wives are fair game in the blogging world, she seems the obvious target, yes?

    From pictures you've posted it's obvious that she's not a size six but I wonder who's in better shape: her or Michelle Obama? Maybe you should read her what you've written here and ask her if she thinks she has a fat ass as well. I know how much you'd hate to look like a hypocritical douchebag to your readers. Well, more of one, anyway.

    Regardless, hope you enjoy your Xmas dinner of tri-tip and lobster but you and the Missus might want to take it easy on the drawn butter. I know you're a big fan of Jesus (you know, the "do unto others" guy...) and he didn't get those ripped abs pigging out on his birthday every year. Just a thought. Shine on, you crazy diamond.

  4. I've actually lost a little weight, JBW. At least 10 pounds or so since that Malkin pic. But I'm not making fun of Michelle Malkin, I'm posting folks who are. And we know you have no qualms about slamming folks for the weight. You don't change JBW.
