Thursday, December 8, 2011

New Romney Ad Gets Personal on Faith and Family Values

The ad's seen as jab against Newt Gingrich and a turn towards a more aggressive campaign stance.

At New York Times, "New Romney Ad Turns Up Heat on Gingrich":

WASHINGTON — Mitt Romney’s campaign on Wednesday opened a new, more aggressive phase to capture the Republican nomination by moving to draw sharp distinctions with Newt Gingrich in the final weeks before voting begins.

A new television advertisement that will begin running in Iowa this week focuses a gauzy spotlight on Mr. Romney’s family and could easily be viewed as a jab at Mr. Gingrich, the former House speaker, over his three marriages and his conversion to Roman Catholicism. The campaign has reserved airtime for new ads in New Hampshire as polls show Mr. Gingrich gaining there. And Mr. Romney has begun openly questioning Mr. Gingrich’s long ties to the Washington establishment.
More at the link.

Added: More from the Washington Post, "Romney launches coordinated assault on Gingrich."

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