Sunday, December 18, 2011

Progressives Demonize Christopher Hitchens Upon His Death

You see, Christopher Hitchens committed the ultimate sin for the neo-communist left: Once one of them, he turned on progressives with a vengeance in his denunciation of the left's treasonous and enormously self-serving opposition to the Iraq war.

Progressive asshat John Cook has this at Gawker, "Christopher Hitchens’ Unforgivable Mistake." It's a bilious screed that simply ridicules Hitchens without substantively rebutting his arguments.

And also Glenn Greenwald, "Christopher Hitchens and the protocol for public figure deaths" (via Memeorandum).

And progressive hate master Thers, at Pile 'o Shit on Fire:
Hitchens seems to have had a gift for making anyone who ever met him personally forgive him for talking horseshit. Well, fuck him anyhow.
Stay classy, Thers, you f-king idiot. And that goes double for your morally impaired buddies at LGM.

Bonus: DougJ at Balloon Juice almost quit the blog after John Cole issued a fatwa against "ugly corpse-kicking bullshit in this thread." Thers obviously didn't visit the thread.

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