Saturday, December 17, 2011

Typhoon Kills Hundreds in Southern Phillipines

At Telegraph UK, "Hundreds die as tropical storm Washi sweeps across Philippines":

At least 430 people have died and hundreds more have gone missing after the tropical storm Washi swept across the southern Philippines.

Officials said 20,000 soldiers had been mobilised in a huge rescue and relief operation across the stricken north coast of the island of Mindanao. The major ports of Cagayan de Oro and Iligan were worst hit, and an estimated 100,000 people had to flee their homes.

Lawrence Cruz, mayor of Iligan, said: "It's the worst flood in the history of our city. It happened so fast, at a time when people were asleep."

Television pictures showed dramatic pictures of a family escaping out of the window of their home in the town as the flood waters rose, and rescue workers in orange vests shepherding survivors to safety. Water levels rose three feet in less than an hour, forcing thousands on to their rooftops to try to escape.

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