Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Candidates' Electability and Principles Divide Iowa Voters

At New York Times, "Electability and Principles Split Iowa Votes, Poll Finds":
 DES MOINES — Republicans appeared sharply divided between those whose top priority is defeating President Obama and those seeking someone representing traditional conservative principles and religious values, according to a poll of voters entering the Iowa Republican caucuses on Tuesday.

With no Democratic caucus to draw their attention, more self-described moderates and independents joined the Republican caucuses this year, doubling their proportion over 2008. And an uptick in young voters, many of them first-time caucusgoers, benefited Representative Ron Paul of Texas, who vowed to go on to New Hampshire and other primaries after conceding Iowa late Tuesday. In early results, he had the support of a majority of voters under 30 and more than a third of those ages 30 to 45. By contrast, Mitt Romney, the former Massachusetts governor, won about a third of older voters.

Actually, it's a great debate the party's having, as Newt Gingrich mentioned during his exit speech in Iowa. I think Ron Paul's 3rd-place showing was a victory of principles over the right-wing fringe. And Sortorum's huge showing in Iowa was a testament to values and perseverance. The larger question is whether Mitt Romney will be able to seal the deal in New Hampshire or whether the race drags on late into the season.

BONUS: Here's the full-page ad Newt Gingrich is running in today's Manchester Union-Leader:

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