Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Chris Christie Backhands Occupy Protesters at Mitt Romney Rally

The folks at Slate are all outrage at the alleged --- wait for it! --- anti-feminine bigotry, "N.J. Gov. Chris Christie Responds to Female Hecklers With Offensive Oral Sex Joke." But Nice Deb thinks it's a hoot, "Awesome: Christie To Occupy Heckler In NH – “Somebody’s going down tonight, but it ain’t going to be jobs, sweetheart” (Video)." And Taylor Marsh is unfazed, amazingly.

More at London's Daily Mail, "Chris Christie calls heckling Occupy protester ‘sweetheart’ as he stumps for Romney in New Hampshire."

Also at The Blaze, "'Really?': Chris Christie 'Shouts Down' Occupy Protesters at Romney Rally With Anti-Obama Tirade."

Still, there's a usual assortment of progressive heads exploding at Memeorandum.

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