Thursday, January 12, 2012

Debbie Wasserman Schultz Resurrects Tucson Tragedy Blood Libel to Smear Tea Party While Calling for More Civility

You can't make this stuff up.

And it needs to be said again: Progressives are really bad people. From the DNC Chair on down, there is no sense of decency on the left.

At Washington Examiner, "DNC chair blames Tea Party for Tucson shooting."

And at Michelle's, "Femme-a-gogue Debbie Wasserman Schultz smears Tea Party, exploits Tucson massacre anniversary."

How dare her. How dare her.

After a year of unhinged Tea Party-bashing and false accusations from New Tone Democrats, the DNC and DWS have done nothing to tone down their own poisonous, hypocritical vitriol.

“Tone things down?” Practice what you preach, trash mouth.

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