Friday, January 13, 2012

Obama Appoints Open Borders Radical Cecilia Muñoz as Top White House Domestic Policy Advisor

She's a progressive La Raza racist.

At The Blaze, "Former La Raza VP Named White House Domestic Policy Director."

And from Aaron Klein, "Look who Obama’s new czar is tied to… Cecilia Munoz previously worked with infamous list":

Prior to her appointment yesterday as the next director of President Obama’s Domestic Policy Council, longtime immigration reform advocate Cecilia Muñoz served on the board of George Soros’ Open Society Institute.

Muñoz also chaired the board of directors of the Center for Community Change, or CCC, a Soros-funded community organizing initiative whose board boasts activists from ACORN, as well as other notorious radical groups.

Muñoz is currently serving as the head of the White House office of intergovernmental affairs. She most recently worked for the National Council of la Raza, an open-borders group that lobbies for mass immigration and amnesty for illegal aliens.

The official White House statement announcing her new appointment yesterday noted Muñoz’s previous work for both the CCC and Soros’ Institute.

“Ms. Muñoz is the former Chair of the Board of Center for Community Change, and served on the U.S. Programs Board of the Open Society Institute,” the statement read.

“Over the past three years, Cecilia has been a trusted advisor who has demonstrated sound judgment day in and day out,” Obama in the press release. “Cecilia has done an extraordinary job working on behalf of middle class families, and I’m confident she’ll bring the same unwavering dedication to her new position.”

Muñoz’s new duties will include coordinating the policy-making process and supervise the execution of domestic policy in the White House.

While the White House release documented Muñoz’s work for the CCC, the statement did not further define the CCC, which recruits and trains activists to spearhead “political issue campaigns” while advocating for more citizen involvement in community organizations.
And at Knuckledraggin':
And La Raza is involved in actively seeking reconquista. That and flat-out open borders, among other things.

I swear to God above, that fucking socialist son of a bitch isn't happy just letting them in, now he wants to give our Nation to the Mexicans and let them turn it into the shithole Mexico is.
VIDEO HAT TIP: Verum Serum, "Obama Appoints Longtime Amnesty Proponent as Head of Domestic Policy."

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