Friday, January 13, 2012

Sheldon Adelson Facing Blowback for Attacks on Mitt Romney

And this isn't your ordinary kind of blowback. Adelson's being threatened.

See Legal Insurrection, "Sounds like John Sununu threatened Sheldon Adelson":

Seeing John Sununu in the news again is some kind of weird timewarp, but I don't recall him playing the heavy like this. He definitely implies some payback against those making attacks against Romney --- you know, your finance capital at Wall Street's gonna dry up pretty quick if you don't knock it off. Here's William's comment from the post:
The message is clear. Anyone attacks Romney on Bain is going to get payback from Wall Street. When that message is conveyed by the leading candidate’s spokesman and confidant, it is a lot more than a casual observation. And if Sununu is so bold on television, you can only imagine what is going on behind the scenes from Romney supporters in the financial community.
No doubt.

And here's this at the Las Vegas Sun, "Sheldon Adelson distancing himself from documentary attacking Mitt Romney." (Via Memeorandum.)

And what's worse is that "King of Bain" is a really lousy documentary, full of distortions and omissions, pretty typical of the kind of smears you'd see from the Obama-progresssives. See: "Four Pinocchios for ‘King of Bain’."

See also The Other McCain, "Rick Santorum Distances Himself From Newt’s Lefty ‘Hit Job’ on Mitt Romney."

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