Friday, March 23, 2012


At The Hill, "New Santorum campaign ad warns of desolate ‘Obamaville’ towns in the future." And Politico, "Santorum spokesman denies Obama-Ahmadinejad conflation in new ad" (via Memeorandum).

RELATED: On the campaign controversy today, whether Santorum would support Mitt Romney as the GOP nominee, see The Other McCain, "Rick Santorum in Cavuto Interview: ‘This Is the Hatchet-Job of All Time’ (Video Added)," and "What Santorum Said, What He Meant, and What Romneybots Want You to Think."

And from Pundette, "Etch A Sketch, continued; Update: Santorum's remark misinterpreted?", and Sister Toldjah, "Temperature check: Is Barack Obama preferable to Mitt Romney?"(via Memeorandum).

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