Thursday, May 31, 2012

The O.C. Republican Party Embarrasses the Conservative Voter Foisting Establishment Candidates Into Our Faces

This is the most amazing letter to the editor. Wow!

See the Orange County Register, "Supervisor candidate Deborah Pauly a clear conservative":
Your headline using the word Pauly "Dumped" is a poor choice of words. Call it what it was: Councilwoman Pauly was railroaded, lynched, persecuted and scapegoated at the GOP county meeting as the party voted her out of her position as First Vice Chair despite articulate protests from the audience and hearty applause after her passionate response to Chairman Baugh's allegations.

Chairman Baugh accused her of being "provocative". Provocative can be good. Can we say Boston Tea Party/provocative? Pauly has been accused of being "incendiary". Can we say Thomas Paine's Common Sense as being incendiary? Pauly used the words "sodomy and rape" to describe how Obamacare was rammed down the voters' throats. I call it a metaphor.

Councilwoman Pauly stood up for a member who sent out a cynical cartoon about Obama. She didn't stand up for the cartoon of the chimp: Pauly stood up for the woman's First Amendment freedom.

Pauly said her removal as First Vice Chair on the eve of the election for 3rd District County Supervisor is a "hit piece." She has been endorsed, amongst many, by the Howard Jarvis Foundation and by Chuck DeVore. She is opposed by Todd Spitzer. What timing. Imagine the coincidence of her being "dumped"! Can we say Meg Whitman's housekeeper Nicky Diaz being brought out at the last minute was a "hit piece?" What timing. Imagine the coincidence.

I've heard Mrs. Pauly speak at 6 public meetings. She was honest, decent, and clear in her conservative values. I heard Mr. Spitzer speak at a forum last month in Anaheim Hills. He called her a "potty mouth." He challenged her to get up out of the audience and debate him. She graciously declined as the forum was not for debate, and he knew it.

A former George Wallace supporter who hasn't been a segregationist for decades said he admired Pauly's conservatism. His statement is being used as a race card guilt by association tact.

Chairman Baugh said The (Republican) Youth Advocates were against Pauly. The spokesperson for the Youth Advocates firmly denied this! He countered that Deborah Pauly has always been honorable and courteous.

Implying Pauly is divisive, Baugh said the party is a family together. No, Mr. Baugh, the Republican party is a house divided often eating their own thus not heeding Ronald Reagan's 11th commandment to refrain from doing so.

Chairman Baugh said Pauly embarrasses the party. On the contrary, the party embarrasses the conservative voter foisting establishment candidates into our faces. We are losing our base because the party has abandoned our principles. Pauly is speaking up for the base, the disenfranchised, those whose voices can't be heard because the party isn't listening!

All this hearkens to mind a portion from Rudyard Kipling's classic poem If.

"If you can hear the truth you've spoken

Twisted by knaves to set a trap for fools..."

So I ask the voter: Whose fool are you going to be?

Gail Bales
Anaheim Hills
PREVIOUSLY: "'Little Boys Playing Politics': O.C. GOP Establishment Smears Villa Park Councilwoman Deborah Pauly."

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