Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Greek Coalition Takes Power

At Telegraph UK, "Debt crisis: Greece clinches coalition deal to battle bailout":
Conservative leader Antonis Samaras was sworn in as the prime minister of new Greek coalition on Wednesday, as he took up the challenge of trying to revise the terms an unpopular EU-IMF bailout deal.
"I wish you good luck because the problems you have ahead of you are many and difficult," President Carolos Papoulias said before swearing in Samaras at a ceremony int he presidential palace following three days of coalition talks.

Samaras and his New Democracy party, the winners of an election on Sunday, are the senior partners in a coalition with the socialist Pasok party.

The government will also have the parliamentary support of the small Democratic Left party.

"I have the majority to form a long-term government of stability and hope," said Samaras, a US-educated former foreign minister.

Pasok leader Evangelos Venizelos said the new government would begin the battle to get the bailout deal rewritten at an EU summit next week.

"In those two days in Brussels we will carry out a major battle for revision of the loan and negotiate a framework that will boost the recovery and the fight against unemployment," Venizelos said.
Also at Business Week, "Greece's Samaras Becomes Premier of Three-Party Coalition."

More at Der Spiegel, "Same Parties in Charge: New Government, But No New Beginning in Athens."

BONUS: At Telegraph UK, "Debt crisis: markets bet Germany will be dragged down with everyone else."

Sounds lovely.

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