Friday, June 1, 2012

Police Arrest Pro-Walker Protester at Bill Clinton Rally for Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett

The guy was hoisting a sign that said "Support Scott Walker, Not Union Thugs."

I guess that didn't go over too well with the union thug crowd.

See the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, "Clinton fires up Democratic faithful."
Clinton spoke in the very spot he appeared with former German Chancellor Helmut Kohl in May 1996. Clinton reminisced a little about his visits to Wisconsin as candidate and president, and said he remembered Milwaukee schoolchildren singing to him and Kohl in German.

While there were hundreds of Barrett signs throughout the park, one Walker supporters stood nearby holding a sign that said, "Support Scott Walker, Not Union Thugs."

After Clinton spoke, the man moved forward to a rope line where Clinton was shaking hands and posing for pictures. Asked by police officers to back away, the man apparently refused.

He was later taken away by officers and was arrested. An officer said the man would be charged with disorderly conduct.
Via the comments at Althouse, "Bill Clinton in Milwaukee, campaigning for Tom Barrett."

Added: Some video...

More Althouse has lots of news: "At the Clinton-Barrett rally: "'heyre arresting the walker supporter'."

And: "'Nice police department you got there, Mayor Barrett'."

Ann links Instapundit.

More at BuzzFeed: "Scott Walker Supporter Arrested At Bill Clinton Rally."