Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Vaginas Will Vote You Out of Office!

From Dave in Texas, at AoSHQ, "Overreacting to The V Word."
Despite my discomfort in general with this girl part thing (they are confusing like calculus except calculus has rules and shit) her specific statement, "'And finally, Mr. Speaker,’ she said. ‘I'm flattered that you're all so interested in my vagina, but no means no.’" is just silly. A cutesy little shocka line. The controversial part of the bill that was passed was a halfway mark "no abortions after 20 weeks" thing.

It seems silly to me for Republicans to muzzle her in response to her use of the word "vagina" however cutesy stupid her motivation.

Oh shit. I said it.
Yeah, it's silly, but radical progressives are using it like a cudgel to hammer the evil troglodyte Republicans.

And at the clip below, MSNBC's Ed Schultz interviews Michigan Representative Barb Byrum. It's boilerplate radical feminism, but don't miss the protest sign at 1:38 minutes: "VAGINAS BROUGHT YOU INTO THE WORLD AND VAGINAS WILL VOTE YOU OUT!"

Behold the modern Democrat Party-progressive feminist anatomical identification industry. It's the modern left's women's movement in a nutshell. Oops, I probably shouldn't say "nuts" --- I'll be attacked as a patriarchal oppressor!

More at London's Daily Mail, "Michigan congresswoman's Vagina Monologues performance in protest against being banned from using THAT word turn into 2,500 strong rally."

Linked at Weasel Zippers Headlines. Thanks!

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