Monday, June 4, 2012

Who to Blame On Wednesday?

Here, in a sense, are your overlapping memes for the Wisconsin recall.

It's full panic mode right now, remember.

At the second half of the video (skip to about 6:00 minutes), Rachel Maddow dissects the union defeat in Wisconsin, and she interviews Ed Schultz. There's a lot of pathetic leftist spin, and outright lies, but it's a beauty to behold the progressive dejection. And I completely agree with Maddow's thesis, that Republicans are determined to destroy unions across the states. Shoot, if we could get a conservative Republican in California this once-great state might have a chance:

Now, for a very different picture, check the report from Althouse on the mood in Madison:
By the way, I spent time in various Madison spots today — 2 cafés, walking on various streets including State Street and around the Capitol, basking and brat-eating on the Union Terrace — and I didn't see any activity related to Tuesday's recall election. No signs, no protesters, no drumbeating, no clipboards. And there were lots of people out on this beautiful June Sunday. I did see an old chalking on State Street.

And in the first café — where I sat alone, grading exams — there were about 6 people sitting at another table, talking politics. But they weren't talking Tuesday. They were talking Wednesday. What should they say on Wednesday? Who should be blamed for this calamity? They sounded especially upset at how much money had been thrown away. Not the $18 million dollars of tax money the state must pay to conduct the election, but all the contributions that went to the Democratic candidates... down the rat hole.
BONUS: From William Jacobson, "Desperation wearing a cheesehead hat" (via Memeorandum). And at Twitchy, "Last minute smear job: Dems claim Scott Walker fathered ‘love child’ 24 years ago; Update: Debunked by reporter" (via Memeorandum).

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