Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Barack Obama's Stealth Money Operation Inside Bain Capital (VIDEO)

This is a big story, first reported in May, but back in the news as bloggers hammer Obama's epic hypocrisy.

See Gateway Pundit, "Oops!… Obama’s Top Bundler Jonathan Lavine Was In Charge of Bain During GST Steel Layoffs" (via Memeorandum), and Kerry Picket, at the Washington Times, "Obama bundler at Bain opens Obama camp to more criticism from Dems over Bain attacks."

And Jim Geraghty had this yesterday, "Obama: $34,250 in Donations from Bain Employees This Cycle":

Each time an Obama apologist tells you that Bain Capital is the root of all evil in the economy, remind them that President Obama has accepted $34,250 from employees of Bain Capital so far this cycle.

Most of the donors are senior executives who were with Bain when it made all of those allegedly controversial decisions from 1999 to 2002 that the Obama campaign is so focused upon.

Obama’s donors include managing director Joshua Bekenstein (at Bain since it began, including the Romney years); chief compliance officer Alan Halfenger; managing director & chief investment officer Jonathan Lavine (an Obama “bundler” of large donations from multiple donors), who has been with Bain since 1993; managing director Seth Meisel (began in 1999); managing director Mark Nunnelly (began in 1993); managing director Stephen Pagliuca (began in 1989); deputy general counsel Ranesh Ramanathan; and managing director Ted Berk (joined in 1997).

Of the above, Halfenger, Lavine, Meisel, Nunnelly, Pagliuca, and Ramanathan have donated the legal maximum of $5,000; two separate payments of $2,500 to Obama’s primary and general-election campaigns.
Jonathan Lavine is still at Bain. He's listed as a Managing Director & Chief Investment Officer."

And the Bain homepage staff listings are here.

The video above ran at CNN about six weeks ago. See: "Bain employees donate $ to Obama camp," and "Bain employees may have paid for TV ads bashing the company."

More at NewsBusters, "CNN Examines Obama's Donations From Bain Employees – But How Much Have They Actually Reported on It?":
Obama raised almost $125,000 from Bain Capital employees, including three who gave the maximum amount of cash the law allows. One of the donors was even helping the campaign raise money from other sources. "$125,000 is a lot of money from people who work at a company the Obama campaign and its allies vilify," Bash pointed out.

It is one thing for Obama to be a hypocrite by knocking Romney and Bain Capital while raising money from the financial sector and from the head of a private equity firm. It is an even bigger story, however, if he railed against Bain's practices and yet raised money directly from Bain employees. That is exactly what Bash reported, and yet that story has been largely – if not entirely – ignored by CNN.

Although CNN questioned the Obama campaign's attack ad on Romney and Bain, which first aired May 14, they did not report his donations from Bain employees in the hours after the ad broke.
Well, the bloggers are back on the story now. And CNN's actually been doing some solid reporting on the Bain lies this last week, so we'll see how it goes.

More at Memeorandum.

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