Saturday, July 21, 2012

Bob Herbert on Rachel Maddow Show: 'Republican Party Has Been a Safe House For Bigotry For Decades'

My first reaction was, "Oh brother. Here we go again." But it's Rachel 'Hutaree' Maddow, so I guess it's no surprise.

My second reaction, listening to the full clip, is how amazingly self-refuting Bob Herbert is -- and wrong on the facts as well (conservatives don't embrace ideological or racial extremists, for example, but progressives do). Notice how Hebert argues a couple of times that bigotry is a fringe sentiment, and it's even on the way out. Right. Everyone knows that, except for desperate lefties who have nothing else. Kinda sad, but Herbert proves he's a washed-up clown of progressive punditry. 

My third reaction is to realize just how sad the modern left-wing of American politics has become. It's been almost 50 years since President Johnson signed the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and leftists like Herbert are still obsessed with the tragic murders of Schwerner, Chaney and Goodman. The denial in November at O's defeat, accompanied by wild allegations of racism, no doubt, is going to be something to behold. A political and ideological meltdown on a centennial scale.

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